Upcoming August Theme Comp : Life in the Gutter
August Bi-Monthly Upcoming Theme Is : Life in the Gutter
Send up to two tracks to : toretorden
Deadline : 15th of August
Alright alright, I'm sorry. There was no July Comp .. Well, I was busy! However, we did poll over what july's theme should have been if there had been a comp. It was a draw between various themes and so, true to traditions, I chose the theme which had been in the list the longest. Life in the gutter!
So, it's likely not so much a musical theme this time as it is lyrical although you can charge the task of finding songs in any way you like. Anyways, the theme is about society's losers - the drunkards, the homeless, the handicapped war vets, the poor, the orphans, the beaten prostitues. You know, the people whose lives - if they're not actually lived in the gutter often finds it somewhere close to at least.
Give it a good think and then send me your stuff. I'll take two tracks!
Read more:
http://www.musicbanter.com/soundtracks-compilations/50845-upcoming-august-theme-comp-life-gutter.html#ixzz1EijdWmGbscraping, web scrapingDefibrillators